Love is the only religion for all mankind in this world.

[Love is the only religion for all mankind in this world.]
There is no sign of knowledge without love in the scripture of science. All the mantra of Veda is the song of love only for the pleasing man, god or nature of the universe. Where there is no love for the all, it may not be for the acceptable for all. The name of the organization for the man may not be religion of man. All the organization has been made by the great hearted man due to guide the man to the way of truth. They do not make any religion for the man. They have made way to stay in the circle of truth for the salvation of all mankind. We worship the symbol of love by the chanting our mantra for the growing our sense of love only. We have made our inanimate idol as the symbol of love due to growing our sense of love, respect, faith and fear in our heart. Inanimate forms are the forms of animate; we can feel it in the circle of love due to this cause we love all as our soul. The picture of heart is the language of love and religion for the all animate forms in this world. Without love service and sacrifice may not be stood in the circle of religion. Service and sacrifice are the religion of inanimate forms in this world. They are deprived from the taste of love. Without taste of love, there is no value of human life in this world. So, love is the only religion for all mankind in this world and love is the great science for human life in every step.

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