[Vedas by the sacrifice that you accept the correctness of their own food.]
There is no way to survive without food organisms. Food and feed on humans to survive. -So Animal species developed in the food section of people need to be improved. The body, mind and soul for the correctness of the faiths, the food is to eat foods. Irritation of the stomach is not only to meet the food for cleansing the mind of the Spirit of life is to always take food is also the release? This material is not only eating food means eating indriyadi we hope that they draw in their work, all our grains. Food, etc. This process continues by guessing cintana our visit. Khadyake purifies us through the sacrifice of the Vedas is to accept it. As this treatment method, we can not accept the sacrifice of the Vedas, the more we will be able to express myself as a holy entity. Smrtisakti our energy on this diet bakasakti - dependent cognitive faculty and grahanasakti. Hari Om tat honest.
There is no way to survive without food organisms. Food and feed on humans to survive. -So Animal species developed in the food section of people need to be improved. The body, mind and soul for the correctness of the faiths, the food is to eat foods. Irritation of the stomach is not only to meet the food for cleansing the mind of the Spirit of life is to always take food is also the release? This material is not only eating food means eating indriyadi we hope that they draw in their work, all our grains. Food, etc. This process continues by guessing cintana our visit. Khadyake purifies us through the sacrifice of the Vedas is to accept it. As this treatment method, we can not accept the sacrifice of the Vedas, the more we will be able to express myself as a holy entity. Smrtisakti our energy on this diet bakasakti - dependent cognitive faculty and grahanasakti. Hari Om tat honest.