Who he will be called for doing the good work, repect and love him with heart.

[Who he will be called for doing the good work, respect and love him with heart.]
There is very rare in this world the advisor of good work for your life. The most people in this world are working in their profitable circle only to take their own interest with selfishness motive. Out of this circle, very rare people come to the circle of truth for the calling people for the working of goodness to all. If you get any such type of people in your life, go to help him forever for the taking light from him for the building your sound character. Don’t leave him to take any selfish motive due to earn the light from him. Without light your life will be stayed in the dark room forever. Try to stay with him for the earning light for your life in the circle of truth. Surely you will get health, wealth and happiness for your life as usual way from him. If you don’t go to ignore him, he has no loss any things for his life but you will lose everything for your life. You will be insulted by the others in this world and others forever for your selfishness as usual way. So think more and more for such type of man and stay with him for the earning light for your life and make your life as a great for the goodness of all in this world not to run for fulfilling the worldly demand and desire. Always think good in your circle surely a good and simple way will come for your life to connect the power house of your supreme soul. In this condition, you will get always good inspiration from your discrimination for the goodness of all as usual way. In the artificial way you may gathered a mass against the some people but you may not be the good advisor for the goodness of all mankind. The most people of this world are running toward the name and fame with finance for the immerge others. They are all making their human life for the beautiful sex, sound finance and wealth to take their bad tendency and notion as harmful as the worms. Now you are supporters of such types of men to take your greedy motive due your ignorance.  

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