[Veda is the people's welfare, action and sacrifice - the sacrifice if the Vedas are protected forms of traditional religion.]
Veda wants to sacrifice the human race by calling the grate VedVyas only bedajnana or when people gain self-knowledge janma possible to rescue from the death of the revolution. The ceremony was in accord with the nature of the human heart is the temple of the Vedas. So people living in the moment or just can not live without action - the action must be in accord with nature. VedVyas the grate when action must be said, by offering his soul to God, and you do all the tasks. Because you work for yourself, then you're bound to be in the action-here and not be able to be free. And if you release your spirit, your soul, then this is the action of the supreme soul by the bond with the Holy Krishna and always will be connected with him. Thus the wise way of saving deeds, deeds, bonds ajnanira conveyed the message to the people on the way. Om santih santih santih.
Veda wants to sacrifice the human race by calling the grate VedVyas only bedajnana or when people gain self-knowledge janma possible to rescue from the death of the revolution. The ceremony was in accord with the nature of the human heart is the temple of the Vedas. So people living in the moment or just can not live without action - the action must be in accord with nature. VedVyas the grate when action must be said, by offering his soul to God, and you do all the tasks. Because you work for yourself, then you're bound to be in the action-here and not be able to be free. And if you release your spirit, your soul, then this is the action of the supreme soul by the bond with the Holy Krishna and always will be connected with him. Thus the wise way of saving deeds, deeds, bonds ajnanira conveyed the message to the people on the way. Om santih santih santih.