[Vedas and the rites of the worship of the life philosophy of life study.]
All the earth may know that the sacrifice of the Vedas-the Scriptures were written in the book of the same age. He has to know that there is life in the human body in any way and that the firm. For information on the life of the world is playing the drum-drum-and one can not understand it today. Thats the way to or what-so delicate, so strong, so diverse, so wise, so terrible, so quickly and so the quality of the men in the world, the universe, and no one is passing through. This unique soul, only to learn that people are reading the Scriptures, and that many people do not realize. As a result, many scholars have read the learned jurist himself, assuming you think wise. But they did not read or memorize the mantra tantra soul is not known. The soul is in the body of material that surrounds the base of their past eight to know him. So proud of yourself gripped by a jurist scholar was able to see the light of life, unless he can not leave the pride. On the other hand, was an illiterate person who has ever read the Bible, the Scriptures, he came to his own life, and where he continues to study the experience of the knowledge gained by constantly reading about philosophy of life, he is straightforward about his perception of the soul, can give correct guidance . They can show the way to the light of life was the light of life. Om peace peace peace.
All the earth may know that the sacrifice of the Vedas-the Scriptures were written in the book of the same age. He has to know that there is life in the human body in any way and that the firm. For information on the life of the world is playing the drum-drum-and one can not understand it today. Thats the way to or what-so delicate, so strong, so diverse, so wise, so terrible, so quickly and so the quality of the men in the world, the universe, and no one is passing through. This unique soul, only to learn that people are reading the Scriptures, and that many people do not realize. As a result, many scholars have read the learned jurist himself, assuming you think wise. But they did not read or memorize the mantra tantra soul is not known. The soul is in the body of material that surrounds the base of their past eight to know him. So proud of yourself gripped by a jurist scholar was able to see the light of life, unless he can not leave the pride. On the other hand, was an illiterate person who has ever read the Bible, the Scriptures, he came to his own life, and where he continues to study the experience of the knowledge gained by constantly reading about philosophy of life, he is straightforward about his perception of the soul, can give correct guidance . They can show the way to the light of life was the light of life. Om peace peace peace.