Vedas by the sacrifice of the Lord, even the great VedVyas martaloke to bring down your bum Srikrishna ke sphere.

[Vedas by the sacrifice of the Lord, even the great VedVyas martaloke to bring down your bum srikrsnake sphere.]
 How big is strong devotee of Lord Krishna, was VedVyas the grate of his writings are available in each. She says that her strength and devotion to Lord Krishna Leela human and jagatabasike the Krishna-I understand that all of the original incarnation of the earth brought him by his Vibhuti people do not have access to the information. People mayabaddha creature. They may be wrong at every step. Self Brahma, Indra, Maheshwar and various Mayan gods Vyasa jalake cut the ash could not overcome. They also conceded defeat in his Vibhuti Krishna devotees have many staba pat on the back. The Vedas say that the sacrifice in place of meditation where the overview of the universe to see what is happening in those days, most of the yogi was rsidera Muni. The almighty VedVyas a yogi. He could build ekasutre patalake yogabale martya heaven. Yogabale universe where he's going, it saw Always Always there was the service of human welfare. In order to promote genuine human religion or traditional religion in human form, he yogabale srikrsnake the god Krishna devotees made him impossible to jagatabasike. Om santih santih santih.

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