[Vedas by the sacrifice of your life you may know Veda book.]
Currently, many beliefs and ideas 'Veda' Hindu Vedas, the sacred authority of the Scriptures and the ancestors of Hindus. Fallacy of this idea. 'Veda' is as much a religion of the book is not a community. 'Veda' natural resources, above all human beings. Protect the human race from the beginning of the creation of wealth that is the respective dehamandire. This is how a community resource dehamandirera ancestral property can be called living? In such a wealth of resources, but it can not be separated from one body and each one will be able to steal away without having to do it one of the profane can not be tried. From the moment of truth sat dormant in every human body is beautiful and light, waking up, he is skittish. But people do not understand what their senses of guilt.