[Vedas sacrifice om om or associated with any of them pass through the holy name of God's glory and to increase the brightness.]
Bhuh bhubah sbah crowds and fire debatabrnda Mon-Sun, omkarera trimatraya upon the light. Omkarera the name of God, in relation to the deba. Why do we sacrifice yenamei Vedas are all connected with the Om. Bahmi strength of our operations is our strength and the strength of the will-Boisnavi raudri strength is our knowledge of the power of the sun --- these three power omkarera trimatraya upon. Omkara is always shining in the face of the rosary so that, with the body and mind in the omkara favorable towards the light shining into omkarera frequent deciding that meditation. Whether clean or unclean --- that omkara rosary sacrifice so that sadaya the Vedas, he is involved in sin as padmapatre never stand in the water, so this form of sacrifice member of the Vedas does not touch any sin or karma. Om peace peace peace.