[Om Vedas by the sacrifice of himself by the name of the Most High God as a bridge with him.]

[Om Vedas by the sacrifice of himself by the name of the Most High God as a bridge with him.]
Om the name of the Most High, the old name. As the names of the people they are likely to generate respect and loves truth and knowledge of the Vedas glorify him be blessed. Om with the name of the holy parabrahma supreme homakriyadi performs the seven cycles of the Vedas They have crossed the bridge to his becoming known as the Sage of bedajna. Om signal bedayajna homakriya or those who were honored with the name of the Hindu society on this earth. Homakriya the Vedas or the ancient rites. Rig Veda, the Psalms, etc., for the fourth priest faces of Brahma, which is the sound of Om. The Om sound forms of the origin of the power of speech. Om is the sound of the human spirit through the bond with the supreme parabrahma can gain the knowledge of the Vedas. Om santih santih santih.

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