[Vedas by the sacrifice of all his relatives at the virgin sabayake are thinking.]
Lord Brahma is the Creator of all nuclear worm. He is the protector of all his refuge, as well as holding the world mahasunyamaya the world. As he thought that, he was given the disposition. Sabayake aiming to improve the guidance provided by nature, but does not oppress anyone, to bring this change. Human nations themselves've been unconscious and bound in a small circle. The nature and attributes of God, knowing the nature and quality of his refuge, naturally they've got the peace of the world, the atmosphere became relative and all the good wishes. They are all creations of God moves forward toward her with all his might. Likewise, He saw the way he would like to see them. They do not have an enemy ally. They think no one enemy, they themselves became the enemy. And if you think someone's ally, but they naturally became the favorite to gain his trust was paramasanti. But understanding does not change any of the greats in the heart when or if stru ally. They entered the house of God, because many of the men has his own sbabhabagune before. So who is the house of God, the saints are those who give attention to his love for his transcendental sadaya, Trigunas and trikalatita gopa gopini with him to the sport. Om santih santih santih.