Vedas by the sacrifice of his life as a sacrifice to the mighty.

[Vedas by the sacrifice of his life as a sacrifice to the mighty.]
I sat on my knowledge and true form of light, beautifully bound, nor in any of the assets. So I mahapadma prasphotita ever. This is not mahapadma prasphotita for yourself. To dedicate yourself to this great undertaking, so he flourishes. Padmarupe knows himself, he frees himself from the mire, flourishes his pace lap of nature, to put himself at the feet of the gods. He could not resist the fascination of assets and garbage. Orient themselves in the form of knowledge and truth slip cover, so you're strong Named the cloud covered the sun. Take off the lid and the sacrifices of the Vedas, they will see the true form tomadera sadaya add to my brahmarupera. What will you do with the shape of the sun? All the worldly wealth despise this form and put it in a trash heap. You will not be able to sit at home and tied up. The planet will be a great work of his life grahantare rushed to offer. As long as the body remains confident in, cleaned up the earth in those days, to sacrifice their lives to remain active. When you no longer need to struggle for survival will not be awakened, to sacrifice their lives for the struggle to be good along the way. Om santih santih santih.

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