Vedas by the sacrifice of Swami Vivekananda, then go home thinking people all over the world before Named aikya equality Peace will come.

[Vedas by the sacrifice of Swami Vivekananda, then go home thinking people all over the world before Named aikya equality Peace will come.]
Swami Vivekananda was the release of the ambassador and his appearance on the Indian Vedas, Vedanta, as the light of the sun. Cintadharatei the Indians saw the new-new sun was lighting up the power of the youth was released from prison to Indians. This figure is still the heart of his new homeland in the light of the sun that once this principle has been given sunabe uthabe the wake of huge power. This is the mantra paranubada O India, paranukarana, paramukhapeksa, this slavish weakness, cruelty damn this shit just shoestring uccadhikara you will gain? You will gain the freedom to birabhogya sahaye this disgraceful cowardice? You are not your petticoats ideal bhulio India Sita, Savitri, Damyanti, thinking umanatha sarbatyagi your god Shankar, thinking your treasure, your life, sense of happiness-not for his own personal happiness, you have not forgotten the sacrifices offered to the mother from the birth , your community is not forgotten the enormous shadow of Mahamaya, nicajati not forgotten, silly, poor, ignorant, pot, scavenger your blood, your brother. O valiant courage, fear, peace and blessings I sadarpe Indian, Indian, my brother. Indian silly balls, poor Indians, Indian Brahmin, Indian candala my brother; You throw a ball katimatra sadarpe Indian garments fit my brother; Indians of my soul; Indian gods and goddesses, my God, my sisusayya Indian society, in the wilderness of my youth, my old Varanasi. Ball clay is my brother's in heaven, the welfare benefit me, and say, day and night, gaurinatha O, O jagadambe, give me humanity, mother, my weakness, cowardice away, the man said to me.

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