Vedas sacrifice Named dark and you are released from prison.

[Vedas sacrifice Named dark and you are released from prison.]
Named the world's dark prison. Named cherishing the illusion of maya Mahamaya get to think about the state of the prisoners themselves, so no one thought for his own spiritual freedom Can not think. Skittish bound to do, but do not apply to the release from prison. The application is coming to me, because I'm going to rule that the application is not for release from captivity. The application also apply to long-term bonds. Some do not want to be released from prison in the dark. For that you have to improve over the world, can not believe it. The first is to be believed, then it is to imagine, then go to the real world. If you want to see the reality of the future will not see it. Frogs well as the sea, could not believe it, just could not believe people were imprisoned in darkness, out of the earth a better place for the people there. Dolaya people so distrust and faith is shaken. Some of the Vedas by the sacrifice anything to interrupt my full faith and knowledge of Mahamaya mohajala respectful of the application does not come to my house Knowledge of science. Oh, so they caught the changing times, there is this dark bandisalatei, also bring to mind the memory of that. I came to the shelter of the Vedas, so long as you will not sacrifice, ye have repeatedly been tied to the world of the Maya mohajale janma will continue to have a taste of death. Om santih santih santih.

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