The Vedas and the sacrifice of human society on the truth of God as represented.]
All of you before God in the light of this truth is not firmly established. And you know that God is light upon light to go ahead. None of this is true, you can not teach someone to prove. This will be true to you to research and gain insight to open his mercy. Many of you believe in God but did not know the way to meet him, or do not follow the same path. If you do not know or do not believe in God, then he is to be representative of how you delegate? Know before you as the representative of God's great strength was his dedicated their lives to the service of janakalyanakara said. You are representatives of the people - the different religions - are representative of the community - representatives of different organizations are working on his behalf, but God does not. Once he started working as a representative of the human society on the establishment of the truth, you will see the wisdom and strength of the times can be increased. Om santih santih santih.