Vedas by the sacrifice you make this earth a heaven of love.

[Vedas by the sacrifice you make this earth a heaven of love.]
If you do not have love in the heart of the patient can not receive power. Without the power of the patient, no struggle can not be won or tournaments. No, I could not wriggle in love. Love hand-pa body has not seen him, but his spirit and beauty of the idea at the heart of the flower and its fragrance exposed to fascinate everyone scattered. Simple as a child fascinated by all the beauty of nature and flowers for all calls, even as his own pane good nature and beauty of the universe and all the love in his heart, and his huge heart call. No one wants to read lazily in love with the desert. But people love to look at beautiful women face increased thirst, then opened his heart to build up the kingdom of love. One of the enduring love for the light in the darkness of his heart, soul, gain strength to build up the kingdom of pure joy. Love in the hearts of everyone woke up and saw the fear, the fear of getting touched his Kingdom of love becomes more vivid. Bhaktibihina no longer be able to enter the kingdom is in love with his girlfriend, so here is a gigantic power and prevent premika can not sacrifice in vain. Light and darkness, love never does, no matter how they play great things: Either the glamorous world. Ajnanira nothing in the realm of love, as a wise dream is not successful. As long as there are people in the heart of the senses is the heart of the inhuman weight. Love flowers can sometimes boil the rock-and only organic ksuda thirst for settling is the spark of the fire of love distorted. So bring a friend, we wriggle out of the Vedas, sacrifice and love for all the world to sit in the lap of the great reality made in heaven. Om santih santih santih.

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