Vedas surake sacrifice of life as simple as that sounds simple, easy -to be able to get the education world free from complications.

[Vedas surake sacrifice of life as simple as that sounds simple, easy-to be able to get the education world free from complications.]
The idea that we could write more difficult words and statements that could be learned. They are also using words whose life is full of difficulties and kutilataya. They also apply sound knowledge of those whose lives it is hard to think. Satyajnani knowledge of God and of those who are connected to the house, they went the way of the complexities of a complex sound entered the room and makes the complex world of education. They all understand the words of education for all is full of nectar. We have the light of life, the greatest of them will see the light of life very easy when you talk about moving forward on the right path to illuminate the lives of ordinary people. All of them knew about Simple Easy - Easy Simple life, from all over the world value education and scientific value. Whose lives their life as simple as it sounds satyajnanera bright light. Hari Om tat honest.

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