[Vedas sacrifice Keep it clean his clothes.]
Everybody will go ahead as the Vedas, the more you will be foolish to dress in white garments knowledge of the rules of nature. This is the sacrifice that your white clothes sadaya be careful not to let the ink. Buddhi has warned that his conscience ever-jnana can not use the color of his clothes, no. I chomrachomrira mud diverted mankind. How the Holy Posakake nonra dirt can be damaged by water, the devils Always will try. I showed a little weakness will throw the dirty clothes, dirty clothes, and he will spend the rest of life. The dirty stains can not be removed once it life would take. The memory is to run until the very end. A device made of human life, what you will be, so the camera image, the image is deleted there is no way in this world and the Hereafter. So why do not I do that very carefully, so that the shame does not pornographic pictures. Always keep your clothing clean-up porn pictures those who do not have any fear. Always knowledge of God, who works at home, they are afraid of not getting any stain clothes so they do not care about any photo. Their memory is nothing other than God and his house. Therefore, one can not see any marks on their white uniforms and they are not to be ashamed in front of everyone in this world and the hereafter. You can sacrifice bisbamanaba teaching staff esacho the Vedas and the karmabhumite jnanapithe, so your dress and white vehicle. All of you came to be ambassadors of peace. Ujjbala holy and generous throughout the space like satya sat upright Build Association. Did you learn the name of the startup bisbamanaba from space sadaya sacred Vedas and sacrifice himself for having no name-that was not dirty. You forgot the time, was caught again remind you that the welfare of the Most High gave to our father. Santi all knowledge-power-purity unity and equality in education and the bisbamanaba Vedas are associated with sacrifice. So you took off your clothes as soon as Bharti, India's children's clothing will wear the name of the entity to be set, then you will walk. Mother India win win.