Veda sacrifice his oath before the sbarupake known as a pleasant place in the world.

[Veda sacrifice his oath before the sbarupake known as a pleasant place in the world.]
The Vedas do not know who sacrifice their own knowledge-buddhi can not apply force, they become dependent on the next live. Many whole life to live over the next life involving one's life can not taste. God himself entity exists that they're not able to believe it. So we see that in all spheres of society in a chaotic situation in the chest. As a way to handle this situation in order to free the people from the Vedas through the sacrifice of our oath Swarup must find a way to bring awakening.
  Sbarupake our oath that we see today have forgotten that all things being inconsistent. Knowledge and understand that the practice of reform to overcome if everyone realizes the enormity of God, with all of the Bhagavad-sattabiratera. Knowing yourself so that you will know and understand that can be biratake, everyone has to be cirajagrata force or entity. There is great strength in the growing purnamatrai inherently great. I do not know, because that depends on the situation until the end of our work, but nothing is happening. May come to the knowledge of the happiness of dependency someday become self-reliant natai not a cloud in the real sense by any reforms must try to understand bisbarahasya. You need to know the nature of the mystery. Do not depend on anyone for his own gain confidence in himself, and neither is anyone who is inside habenijera to analyze and meditate to connect with him. Someone will call separately. Do not worship must worship. The Vedas are the only sacrifice one man for the truth to come forward to be taken to incorporate into the house. This is the sacred duty of man throughout the ages has karmarupe follow traditional religions and traditions. Om santih santih santih.

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