Veda Yoga Conference--- 12/ 05/ 2016

Veda sacrifice sammelanah 12/05/016
Subject: Today's question [the Vedas, without sacrifice of his own life, and human life bedamaya surake associated with the Vedas tune up.]
The universe is composed of all the Vedas, the tone of the tune of the truth, which is always associated with traditional religions. So this can not be realized bedajnanake with the exception of his life. The Vedas are indeed true forms of life. Leave everything for the truth can not be destroyed, but the melody of life. But the truth of the Vedas, sacrifice for the other, if the music tempo tune-tala unsubscribe and became besure. So the truth of anything in exchange for the lives of those they left off or leave their dear God became talakana this vast universe. For they do not know the truth of life is so selfish that's outside waiting for him in this world that does not want to receive satyajnana Tuku. Sacrificed their lives for the sake of the religion that is in tune with the reality of their lives to the pursuit of struggle or not. As a result, they spent their lives parapiranera as immoral since become accustomed. Love the people and the creatures that live in the hearts of the religion of the Vedas were isolated from one ghrna hatred of sin and spread fire throughout. The sins of weakness and cowardice that does not recognize anything as they fear to expose themselves. So they never dominate his life surake Vedas sahasa honest, honest, honest thinking energy of his own religion can satyamukhi. This is not to their own religion of the Vedas in the fullness of his heart was not fully developed. The full development of the teaching of the Vedas, the melody or motive of his own divinity and absolute power can not be connected to the She. If you are not a man is a man full of himself to be able to give birth to another human being full? So tune the tone of the Vedas, the Vedas know what sacrifice is the first man to clarify his rakta semen. The Vedas are therefore sacrifice the people, the people of this world to see if the light will be the Vedas. The Vedas are God win win. The mother of the Vedas gayatridebira win win. Veda sacrifice win win. Win win bisbamanaba education.

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