Veda sacrifice sammelanah -15 / 10/016 W Location- ghorasala * * bah, Murshidabad
bisayah for today [Veda us hold unswervingly to the ground and sacrifice bharatalaksmike this resolution could be accepted.]
Gypsy is a symbol of wealth, Lakshmi. Mahamaya adyasakti karmabhede bibhinnarupa and took the name. Divine power, the welfare of the whole earth emerged Deba has served in many different ways. Manthanakale Malaksmi Sea came from the sea. Owl Mother vehicle. Vehicles could not see the light of day. On the night of her trip to an out martaloke. Why was the mother of the children in the dark of night? Lakshmi's mother, the children freed from darkness to light, if not in the world will not be able to find one of my hidden treasure, and that I would not be able to realize the value of money. Mr. - - Kudos value tejai property prosperity Vim is my light and my human Dhana. I'm the mother of the gods, the gods of the Veda OD Mahamaya, I supply the world with the best food I have been keeping everyone. My Dhana gem full glory on this earth as the moon is not surprising. Those who would sacrifice the Vedas ekanistha sahaye jnanajyotike heart is seeking to visit, they see the light of the full moon on my laksmirupa satisfied. Cidakase candrarupe I decorate, I light mahabisnura body position in space to think. I'm the world's Sita sabitri radharupi bibekajnana virtue. My dear children, I Truth, Treta, Dwapara and omniscient sage Koli past'll create the classic era. I have the world's first husband, minister, friend, vagina, the state, the palace and the power stayed on. I save it for the state guard state Kamini Kamale Lakshmi. Mother Lakshmi win.