[Open your
heart for searching the truth.]
You have received five sense organs from your
God as wealth. They are all connected with our heart for opening the door of
sense. Without opening the door of sense, your heart will stay in dark. By the
good thought, try to open it at first .Afterwards, go to the kingdom of
knowledge for searching the truth of your human life. Light will come in your heart in the proper
way as per your demand and desire. Step by step you will open your closing door
for going to the aim of your life. Without opening your heart, your feeling
will stay in closing condition like the animal. Your proper sense as human
being will stay in the point of outside the world. Without admission the inner
side of the world, you may not be allowed to collect the truth for your
salvation .Your human body is the worldly body; all elements are in your body
for growing your sense. You are not separate from the earth. You are not separate from the Sun, the moon
and etc. to take this human body. You are related with the whole universe to
know this truth, search the truth in your heart; all reply will come as per
your queries.