[Shiva appeared in the forms of the Vedas, sacrifice sibaloke travel.]
Your mercy, O debadideba Mahadev sacrifice in the Vedas that I am Achyuta bijnanaghana and sibasbarupa realize himself. I'd like to do? Carbitacarbanaprayase heart, despite his light sansarake cetanamaya colorful light-sabayake their hearts seem to want to be tied bamdhane love-this-if the heart came from and where I am throughout the universe bisbacaracara the unique light of Vishnu? I can see by the Vedas sacrifice-assemble everything in this world is like a dream when you wreck, I janmarahita consciousness and was staying alone-let-this amrit after getting a taste of what I want? I do not see it jarera-inverted and the judge - He Achyuta jnanabigraha-He-He mahahari Mahadev. He jyotirao light - he is the holy-He parabrahma and doubtless I am the parabrahmai. So creature Shiva, Shiva creature. Shiva --- the only such creature wrapped rice chaff, bran, rice grain cast is only at the end of the action-like creature was the sadasibe disappeared. Now temporarily catch the creature and the pasamukta Sadashiv. O mahadeba I continue to sacrifice in the Vedas sadaya sibamaya Vishnu and Shiva bisnumaya sadaya-I see-this similarity is telling us we must not forget that it is bedadarsana sacrifices during the Vedas. Hari Om tat honest.
Your mercy, O debadideba Mahadev sacrifice in the Vedas that I am Achyuta bijnanaghana and sibasbarupa realize himself. I'd like to do? Carbitacarbanaprayase heart, despite his light sansarake cetanamaya colorful light-sabayake their hearts seem to want to be tied bamdhane love-this-if the heart came from and where I am throughout the universe bisbacaracara the unique light of Vishnu? I can see by the Vedas sacrifice-assemble everything in this world is like a dream when you wreck, I janmarahita consciousness and was staying alone-let-this amrit after getting a taste of what I want? I do not see it jarera-inverted and the judge - He Achyuta jnanabigraha-He-He mahahari Mahadev. He jyotirao light - he is the holy-He parabrahma and doubtless I am the parabrahmai. So creature Shiva, Shiva creature. Shiva --- the only such creature wrapped rice chaff, bran, rice grain cast is only at the end of the action-like creature was the sadasibe disappeared. Now temporarily catch the creature and the pasamukta Sadashiv. O mahadeba I continue to sacrifice in the Vedas sadaya sibamaya Vishnu and Shiva bisnumaya sadaya-I see-this similarity is telling us we must not forget that it is bedadarsana sacrifices during the Vedas. Hari Om tat honest.