Vedas by the sacrifice to your light save to give the other hand in the ocassion of Rakhi.

[Vedas by the sacrifice to your light  save  to give the other hand, knowledge is the shining as the sun in the Rakhi which will bind today.]
Parabrahme published before the light, which is the Divine Kingdom of ubiquitous, old and jagatkarana, visit the paramajyotike throughout the Vedas and sacrifice, and to protect him, if you build a good relationship with the twelve-geek. The ceremony was the light of the Vedas karecho twelve or delivered to the men through the Rakhi festival, the festival of Rakhi festival convocation your life. Tomaderake the darkness beyond the festival will go ahead in search of better light. Veda sacrifice Himself is leading you by the gods, the sun will find within himself. To sacrifice when you shall see the sun as a light-the light will be handed over to another guard for him. When seen in the light of your hrdayamandire the heart of the temple will be seen by the good thoughts. Veda is the god of light rays --- this is the strong hold on the hearts and hands of everyone, so that no one may recite the bright light could not escape the bonds. Hari Om tat honest.

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