Veda of sacrificial worship of the fore Baruna Indra theosophist you bring them all the love in the world.

[Veda of sacrificial worship of the fire baruna indra theosophist you bring them all the love in the world.]
  You know, the water can not be produced without any food. So the water of life to another. Veda sacrifice in pursuit of water from the bread has been the best meditation. He understood the importance of these waters was the Indra bhumike watering. Land and water to produce the food. The mess is hidden forms of life energy. The water came up to worship the god of wisdom, he is the best. Who knows the secret of his heart-Veda is soon uncovered. The glory of being the best water or fire. Of the fire from the water. This is due to the fire of sacrifice in the Vedas. Since birth, he has been on the earth sacrifice. Everybody on this earth because it's raining. This food is produced in the rain. As the food enters the human psyche or fire sacrifice is common here. Tejera the fire or the Vedas or knowledge is worship. Love to all the world that builds the agnii matchmaker is no way to measure the magnitude of which can not be cut off from the world --- and this love's not the way anyone palabarao. Om peace peace peace.

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