[Veda of sacrifice in the pursuit of the traditional heritage that you deliver.]
Getting the best from your science or atmasakti atmabala. Without the power of meditation and the pursuit of knowledge, anything is possible. The house and its domination of the human body. As the success of his strength. Meditation is the best in the pursuit of power. No one wants to pay the price of the life force, so the price is? Feed or food, depending on the forms of energy or force. Energy khadyei hide. So who goes back to food, they fool to ignore the pursuit of power. Uporakta dependent on the pursuit of food. Ajnanira pursuit of fast and failed to blame the gods'. Those who live with the pain and constantly sinned stores. He knows the best food and secret admirer. Astalaksmi his house, astasiddhi and astanidhi still lives with the power of the Brahman. Therefore, the first permanent home for himself and for everyone to eat bastra measures to protect the traditional religion or tradition as the energy savings of the Vedas through sacrifice. Veda is only for you, true and traditional way of sacrifice in the Vedas, sacrifice your eternal Knowledge are hidden science. Om peace peace peace.