[Vedas to sacrifice and to whom you may know how to do is celibate.]
The idea is to keep the celibate Brahmachari leave everything to become celibate to do and work hard and harsh life miserable. This idea is absolutely wrong. Brahman or the celibate means to know God by adopting a simple way to gain knowledge of the Vedas, the compliance mandates. What is the canon --- 1] dwelling place of the gods, knowing that the bar --- the human body is the temple of the Holy sadaya to keep the house. II] mind the bar - have in mind that this house without him knowing where sadaya gems from this house must be left to decide. 3] Buck bar - that stands for truth would be known as the welfare of everyone in his pronunciation of the word or sentence will not. Without the knowledge of interest can not be anything else to do. 4] mata pita Acharya - janmabhumike guest and will respect the wisdom of the gods. That is, as long as you live, you must comply with this law a celibate life. Om santih santih santih.