Vedas sacrifice you by the need to prevent the degradation of human values.

[Vedas sacrifice you by the need to prevent the degradation of human values.]
The erosion of human values throughout the earth of wickedness, lawlessness, and violence started in the inhuman way. Honest people have lost their traditional religion on the way and the truth and forget. Pathadhari inhuman and evil people spread throughout the realm. King ministers to forget their promises. They can not catch up as the representative of God to people. People of the earth's resources. The wealth of human knowledge. The man sat on this knowledge, true, beautiful and radiant face is hidden. This is to know the truth with falsehood, nor is camra head. For the people of religion - religion is not for the people. This is true for people to learn the truth false sense of well-evil, weak and lost ekasrenira of people being forced to live in. This class of men who do not get fair and satyajnanira the space. One class has played the devil masks worldwide. Devils started to consume the sacrifice of the Vedas. The spirit of sacrifice organized by the Vedas canceled mahasatyake falsehood to be established. Bisbamahayuddha organized to sacrifice the Vedas. This sacrifice from Kundu constantly coming up the truth for a lie down, and people will have to cancel bicurna will be established in the form of traditional human-true unity and equality in the world for Peace. Named bisbamanaba the education staff will be forced to embrace the world in terms of those relationships. Manatmara everyone can take part in the bonding of the bridge with the supreme law of nature. Om santih santih santih.

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