Strong strom continues to learn the Vedas sacrifice.

[Strong storm continues to learn the Vedas sacrifice]
Worldwide storm that science has become difficult to sustain human life. As a child in the lap of nature and the nature of man can not survive. Son of man has become a science, relying on science is now to sustain their existence. Creation, His power and His people, and do not believe in. Then one day, you stopped working on the science of global mourning will fall. How long this will continue to science joke of brick built pathara civilization? The people who put themselves at the feet of science and life, and the joke being tangled up in their own destruction, they were hastened. You became generated bisbamanaba the education staff to continue with the pace of modern science-speed, super-storm. Severe storm, you can not go down at all can learn. For the science, not the science. So first of all, the knowledge of the human heart, human values, moral and spiritual breadth of knowledge bring. Then the computer, mobile, Internet, etc., to bring into the world. The world is filled with the amanuse, but will not be able to prevent the misuse of science. Large-scale doctor engineer professors, teachers, leaders, ministers are not friends of the society have become all-absorbing professional society. The storm and the youth organized to make use of as-science before the creation of a righteous man-worldly happiness, then make use of the resources of the development. However, if they are superhuman happiness for those assets can realize the value of happiness? T, the base of the coveted lead the way children will learn the truth They never entered the human life to gain. Om santih santih santih.

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