[Vedas sacrifice the man to the ground, you will have to repay the loan to the ground.]
I have created man from clay. There are people from the soil, living soil, the soil is mixed with soil to remain alive to eat. So the ground for people to pay off debt to the earth, to live is to choose the easy way out. The ground that the loan can not pay, he will be the favorite to me. Who devoted his life to pay the debt to the ground, they are country-lover, became a philanthropist. The soil does not believe they can trust me. They became arrogant man, and yet the ground. They are always creative people to the ground. Such as the ground to germinate the seeds fly into trees. Hrdayabhumite well as the evil seeds that germinate well, but it was born of the tree as a result of the phule - saurabhe becomes full. However, if people had not come from the fertile soil would not have hrdayabhumi. All the earth is the human body, mind, patience and forbearance of the ground easily, so they are productive people sat in his true form is beautiful and radiant expression, and will be able to develop.
Soil contains all the living beings to survive and continue to provide materials. This wealth is no pride to me. Why do people produce from the soil to be arrogant and moody? Where did you get that pride and anger? You cut off by the sense of pride and anger, and then you become the man of the soil, the earth will be able to live in peace. Of your field. This is associated with the field of space. As the earth floating in space on the wind, so the magnitude of the field associated with the space bhasacho. Om santih santih santih.