[Vedas sacrifice the hearts of the young hero of the established way of thinking Vivekananda, Mother India's prestige value as established in the world.]
Today, youth hero and Swami Veda of sacrificial year I will discuss briefly. Swamiji was a youthful, cirataruna. He is only 39 years old when the young leave the state. But his voice was still existing were immortalized forever shine as new to us. His words, his courage, saying his words of encouragement uddipanara word word word biryabattara. His message negated signifying nothing, signifying the end of everything. Arise, awake, courage, fear, this is the message of fertilizer. There are tears in his voice, do not bemoan. Atmabisbasera have said, to purusakarera. What he did not know what fear is. He did not learn to beat a retreat. His words had come forward, do not stop until pauchuno own goal. He is the most hated weakness. He spins "You people will. I like people who are of iron muscles, nerves of steel, and the head of the body which would be composed of elements of thunder ". Some of the meat consumed in the disputed niramisa. She filled my sons protein drink, the sin of my habe Why? Because he wanted the children strong, to be draristha.
If the body is not only tough, hard heart would be. Self-confidence that he would like to first and foremost devoted to sraddha. Who atheist? Swamiji would say, according to the old people who believe in God, there is no atheist, but the latter are the ones who do not believe themselves atheists.
Who will be the leader, of this land have always fight. Swamiji tadekhe a nice talk. That, he said, that the duke siradara, he's the leader. That belongs to the 'siradara' that could cut off his head, the leader of the chieftain might be. This will not give up the leader, the Bahujan Bahujan hitaya sukhaya. He will not sacrifice for the good of the country and people. But the leaders of shame and hate to see is how these people would recognize as a leader?
Swamiji spins young people, "You are the heart, are the lover. Can not you see - do not understand life, life-like animals, descendants of the sages of India and will become a billion? India has covered the black cloud of ignorance? You teje lions come forward to solve all the problems of the country ". There is no need to come to work here and not clever. Like any great work by the clever nasudhu trust, faith, compassion, faith, fiery burning, fiery sympathy. Life trivial, banal death, hunger trivial, insignificant happiness, sorrow trivial, trivial joy What will you do? Believe in yourself burning over-generous tax-that's the fight of your life for. It is believed to be heroic stand on their own feet. This is why we need now is India, was born in India.
"You are not for everyone, belongs. Fulfillment of your life forever. " Keep in mind this is difficult to accept that ideal youth, elderly or not sbarthaparara. The ideals of excellence to young Swamiji joined the call of the day. Many people have died.
The national consciousness is the source of all that is universally recognized today that Swami Vivekananda. Who is the leader of the country baranye from Swamiji did not get the motivation to serve the nation. Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, Netaji-all of them acknowledged Swamiji's free to speak their loans. His influence is still working. Swamiji found the ideal of sacrifice and service. To be a leader, "Shir-Dar ', the need to cut off the head. When disposing of it can not. Best sebakai best leader. Swamiji and his clear evidence bhagani Nivedita. Do not want to say so long to say the dream did not succeed in India, Swamiji. By Rabindranath Tagore to balk, so to speak
Come on, hurry striking debut
That was filled ghot
All-parase purify
Who knows the great man to the seashore. So Swamiji talked about the sacrifice of the Vedas Indians sarbasrenira urge to succeed. Go to the dream, but the dream of a great man desabasike to leave his house. We can not forget that we are sons of the greats, whose blood was flowing sadaya patriotism for the good of everyone. Om santih santih santih.