Vedas sacrifice himself to his traditional duties as aset of actions to build up his fortune.

[Vedas sacrifice himself to his traditional duties as a set of actions to build up his fortune.]
There is no denying destiny, the destiny of God's neck as a talisman to protect the earth and bound to send him through. So everyone has got the right to own bhagyagune action, so that no one will be the fate of the envious when he hurt himself. Who will change the provisions of shame? Action - the name of religion and the fate of the same material but different. They have been called a thousand identical. If action is not to protect the religion of anyone, no religion could not save the life of someone's destiny can not know the secret. Akasa hell broke though one can not be free from the suffering of the fruit of his actions. Phumre even if the universe is made of Brahman, but does not end the suffering of his actions. Leave the body of the new body, the fruit of this suffering continues to hold. Bhachacho theosophist when you think of the man or the spirit of the action and is free from. This idea is completely wrong because he sadaya their duties in the service of God, Brahman or a seeker, he is not free from this action. Sadaya its traditional form, but he has been set free from the action of his duties. And he fixed his creation as his own traditional religion through actions to protect the neck from the destiny has hung. To decide the destiny of those who read the Vedas as their traditional rites kept their luck is with them, and he sadaya yerupe need to develop the way that developed at this brahmandabyapi. The body or the body of one of the organizations whose activities are up for re-establishing a new body and soul going to fight. So for those who are only trying to rebuild their lives and the afterlife or later they will carry this fight to learn the truth, and the life of their traditional spirit still managed to make a fortune as happy. In this universe, there is no way to deny the re-birth. All the action is the fate of our dharma punahjanma or hereafter receive life. Hari Om tat honest.

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