Vedas are theosophist santacitte sacrifice himself all the way to his call.

[Vedas are theosophist santacitte sacrifice himself all the way to his call.]
  Peace can not get someone who is ill with the king. So he came up with some of the world sabayake strutara not build relationships. And you yourselves will bring his downfall. Strutara the theosophist, who called themselves the destruction of the house. They are cursed in the absence of satyajnanera foolishly destroyed. Drag and drop the wealth in this world is khadyadrabya, who is happy in his own way in the world. They are holding their duties sansarake the world. So lajja theosophist fear and hate to leave, but my duty is to refrain from actions they have ever been honest lokamangalera process of establishing itself on the society is left alive. Named of Brahman, appears on this earth, but this knowledge can achieve Named because of his crime and the family curse. Most of the earth is cursed lineage to the tribe, they do not know. Once the child is the offspring of the Vedas, sacrifice to ask if this is true theosophist, however, he was soon freed from the curse of Brahma, the house is able to deliver his people. Became the conductor of humanity. Bhojanakale shame goes to the hungry as well as the knowledge of Brahman, but never achieved during the confusion is not possible. Simply use your own shame and the shame brahmajnanira to reform moves forward toward the sea of Brahman. To achieve this Brahman, more hunger and thirst about a dozen times, but the saint is satisfied, the fans, just like a dog. Deep sleep, they are careful to be faithful to the Lord, no enemy can not enter the house of the Lord. Om santih santih santih.

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