Vedas sacrifice his body as the temple of the Vishnu temple built for it.

[Vedas sacrifice his body as the temple of the Vishnu temple built for it.]
  Named the creature, but your heart is the temple of Lord Shiva is situated. Named so vivid that you are becoming. You are the cause of this form of Brahma sibai has been given. Vishnu again who you are, everyone has to do with motivation. Vishnu temple as detailed as your heart so that you, the more you will see the form of Shiva's blessing. Vishnu is the one who has all the details to yourself. Om Vishnu Temple of the organisms paramapada and incorruptible. The temple has become the light of the jnanarupa gems. Outside the world of living beings in the light of experience, seeing all the things that dekhate sunate to keep the flame of the Vishnu temple. When you are confident the body was not in the house, then you feel bakasakti srabanasakti drstisakti was strong because you have the strength to fight these people have taken the opportunity to form their brahmasaktira Adds dehamandira. You are the incarnation of the memory to you, but it is not lost anyone. Vishnu temple in a free thinking only about yourself, the details of his vision for sarbabhutera open the doors of the temple, and you will not be able to see yourself differently. Then you will know, you're this big, there are three eyed and trinayani become chief Vishnu temple. Om santih santih santih.

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