Vedas sacrifice you through all the narrow- minded and be patriotic heart to leave.

[Vedas sacrifice you through all the narrow-minded and be patriotic heart to leave.]
You are all one child as amrit have been made to the mind of God. Your mind is so associated with him sadaya. Take heart in knowing that you can easily see the truth in his own mind to be able to see with the mind. As you leave the narrowness of mind to free himself of his knowledge, be able to see the Kingdom. No resources of the world, even the human body is not your own property - which is not his own, and to not leave any of it's not bravado. Think the way you seem to own the assets remain locked except sankirnatai your mind. Kamini kancana that your mind has been so narrow Can not you feel the immensity of you. He is cherishing the illusion that such bigotry is free from the net in compliance with the amrit satyekeo Can not started on the road. As a body within the world's great minds of the dehasukhera Physically bound like an ignorant. Brahmasbarupa your mind, your soul wants to be free buddhi pride associated with the immensity of the dehatita trigunatita trikalatita, Can you feel it, you do nothing to narrow the net bound. So do not delay and the narrowness of the mind from the net to retrieve the heart of the patriotic sacrifice of human life through the Vedas are blessed as a bisbamanaba teaching staff. Om santih santih santih.

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