[Veda sacrifice worthy of the brother of a friend in order to cultivate the patriotic sabaya could do something for the country.]
However, in the world and the invisible world will be happy alone, one can not thakete - alone, no one can run the kingdom. The king is to be created for the people. God willed, He could have alone. But he alone could not have been happier people expressed a desire to create a space that houses his reign, and was spread. He became king gave up all his own way worthy of the Kingdom. If you think you're alone on knowledge and be wise, however, gives the value of knowledge? If you value your life, then you can not host a friend's brother? So the first task is to build up a friend of his brother's reign as the Vedas spread through sacrifice. When you spread the kingdom of all that, the price will increase your life. Sukha everyone seeking peace and healing to build the kingdom of God, I saw the figure sikho see if you can get all the gems in his life, to gain favor. Hrdayamandire each for everyone to build his own soul is. Under his reign, all the running. Listening to everyone - everything you see, even for a moment to rest from his duties actions are required. Everything is being done at him, but he is not doing anything himself. Veda is also the brother-friend bisbamanaba education through the sacrifice of the eligible employees in the form of Build-up everything in order to stay with you. Sit down, you increase your good thinking, to be able to help everyone see the brother friend, as usual. As soon as you come under the banner of the kingdom of God is one of the forgotten envy hinsa planned expansion of cooperation that will help you, then dark energy. Earth thousands of years ago, who left the world of the living, and they will come forward to cooperate with you-because they want to help their kingdom, beautiful and light satya sat bisbamanaba teaching staff or staff of the Vedas. No political party activists - has no religious karmi any government employee, you will not be able to utilize his free self freely. So you build yourself up as an independent worker bisbamanaba education and cultivate competent staff to a friend, his brother, to the country, and therein lies the sukha santi wealth lies in the country's overall welfare. Om tat honest.