Vedas through sacrifice, you keep yourself free from the punishment fit the crime.

[Vedas through sacrifice, you keep yourself free from the punishment fit the crime.]
Why do you have to be a criminal offense? His duty to refrain from the kind of action There is a second offense. Now people have become so remiss that will be a waste of time to sit, but to his own actions will - more than the number of these kinds of people. Government employees - the school teacher, the teacher of all classes of people from evading the disease has become a trend. School: College: University students in the writing-reading is not a punishable offense by evading their own lives to destroy the character of the crimes involved in the formation of the relaxation. What should be done and what should not be done if you have the wisdom to make crime a man can free himself. Why we became involved in a criminal offense, or an offense? Every human lust and greed-moha-krodha alcohol and matsarya six enemy live in the house. The enemies of the people can not be chased from the house. However, they can not be controlled through the sacrifice of the Vedas jnana buddhi own conscience. Today, the earth has become a punishable offense --- no, we will know if the research. Whenever people talked to lose the quality of humanity becomes inhuman, and she became jnanahara. This weakens so much that people were forced to jnanahara the crime and the punishment involved. The tendency of the crime when a crime is increased. This time around he is a righteous and honest advice as a friend, and he will be able to realize his mistake and corrected it shall be holy. And to sacrifice the teachings of the Vedas bisbamanaba jnanatarite you down, and through the good and welfare of the people, and the way call. Build-crime organization will look good throughout the disease has been open for the people forever. This disease is much more acute in the police court crowd and you will know. Om santih santih santih.

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