Veda sacrifice sammelanah - 10/06/016 of today's agenda Venue: ghorasala Murshidabad bisayah [the Vedas is to learn the Vedas and the Vedas by the sacrifice for the good of all is to find ways and strategies.]
Veda Brahma butterfly caused by a concrete and antariksa the ambient light, which has been the object bhuloka in dyuloka. The Vedas, the three men without shelter sabaya respective rooms are on the way. Vedas deny haven to those who breach the principle of asylum on the basis of religion, caste is divided into the ways and techniques for the benefit of the people discovered they plan to take advantage of the captive within narrow bounds. They do not know how the Vedas Vedas bhedanitike shelter to shelter. And for the good of mankind the path of the Vedas protection strategy, they discovered Jupiter is like a teacher sitting in liberal society and a great light illuminated the Vedas. No caste-pata people into the circle of the creator of the Vedas mean to disrespect or dishonor God. That action and the multiplication on the basis of the normal rules of human ethos. Drag the division between religion and caste but the destruction of the forecast. Why is it that people are now living in the lap of the practice of modern scientific thought and it can not be accepted. Jnanera to improve the human race has thought that this revolution is not working. If true communism based on the facts, based on knowledge throughout the world, then religion and caste do not have pests. All under one's identity as an employee or worker pabeei respect, however, if the earth is not his place to be anywhere else? If you adopt through the wise and learned man even if the organism is never jealous envy of the world will not be deleted. This violence will be the envy of the water-air-soil-vegetation-every human being, including animals. Bisbamanaba teaching staff as you awake in the world. Tell them to think about the welfare of God's creation. The creator of the best people on earth creature. Being conscious beings throughout the universe works such decline? That forms the body of the church's temple remained a holy envy, jealousy, hatred is not surprising to anyone who karache? On all the people on it are going to forget why this ingredient? Why are they still the knowledge, human values, moral wisdom and spiritual knowledge for the benefit of humanity and the way of weapons and tactics are not to ask them. Tell them selves Brahman spiritual power. This is justified by the Vedas brahmasaktike bisbamanaba awake, and the teaching staff or staff of the Vedas as brahmadarsana will then mayandhakara Go Away. Then all of you will be thinking about the welfare of the people of God, the Vedas and be able to easily find the way for the good of everyone. The Vedas are God win win.