Veda Yoga Conference --11/ 06/ 2016

Veda site 11/06/016 sammelanah sacrifice today's agenda: ghorasala Murshidabad pahbah bisayah [Veda and sacrifice everything to follow their religion, you are still in the process of winning can be reached jnanamarge Satya be beautiful sat down and will know themselves as light.]
 Sraddhabana person, cahidasunya-ahankarasunya, Veda and sacrifice, he became the darling of God. They all believe that the actions of humanity lives on organized religion. They are freed from the bonds of action, only on the human aspect of patience Vedas Haye family, through the sacrifice of righteousness Kare knowing yourself. So do not read them within the scope of action - this glamorous world. And those who are subject to their own desires, because they do not know the technique of karma-yoga nagapase binding action is bound to do so. These unscrupulous people are unable to carry out their religion, they have gone astray and destroyed my fault. By virtue of God's creation, mankind has been divided into four groups, and each person's struggle to stand on religion or religious crusade Kare family has been asked to play. For a person who has all the necessary elements for the campaign has been. This principle can not be fixed, but a wise man was impressed to see the glamorous world. And what can be said about the ignorant? Ignorant people like animals, unable to control their senses, so they are not able to awaken the heart of humanity quality. All relevant organs of the human body is capable of in the course of ragadbesa sadaya. This sense of restraint techniques or solicitation yogasiksa krodha cupid love wine and the service can not be successful is one of the matsaryake. The return sreyamarge indriyagulii had people stopping. Therefore, to know the man in her previous life as the reward of God, has given birth to him in any dimension. Shudra - baisya Kshatriyas and Brahmins with all levels of people. Now that you know more than the same amount of weight needed to. Jnanapithe dimension through the development of the properties and the karmabhumi determination to serve the Lord has brought her to go to war. To know him and his religion, even a little guilty, because of their religion, so that it is best to play well is good. Left, but his life, he is still the best known religion, but that religion never paradharmera when you will create your own downfall and bring life dangerous situation can become addicted. The fact that the man is reluctantly forced to sin, in spite of it?fascination - becoming addicted to anger earn. Ugrabhaba reincarnation or improve their lives and to develop the next must not worry - because the outside world is limited to his mind, he will not see the inner volume. Vedas are God win win.

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