Veda sacrifice sammelanah -15 / 06/016-ghorasala * Location: West Bengal's Murshidabad agenda bisayah [bedayajna the traditional religion or the religion of the Vedas, the world would be established only satya santi equality and unity will be established around the world.]
India's traditional religion with the universal human race jibajantu trees, animals, and thus what they are fleeing their religion sea. The traditional religion, Hindu, Muslim, Jain, boddha, Christian, etc., is not a religion. This is the traditional religion which is always in the hearts of everyone there from the beginning and will remain until the end. The traditional religion is a religion of nature. Each species of organisms that traditional religion is religion. This arises from the nature of religion. In order that the manner in which it has been created from the nature of the rules-just 'ekama adbitiyama "That is without one second. Everything there samasure, tied samamatraya. The earth, the sun, the moon, the sky, the wind nicely in the animal world is accordant rules on Harmony. Big or small, regardless of the inherent nature of each object on the same track, samadrsti. Why not have the instinctive forms of communism, tune in? This is the nature of this samyabadai bedabhittika or knowledge-based forms of communism, the only weapon or religion. This religion has survived and everyone will follow. People know the truth of this religion contains step by step moving forward towards progress.
However, the question may come bauddha isalama Hindu, Christian - Jewish - parasika Jain properties, etc. Where could place in human society? As one after another of the political parties and the influence of human society lobhe love of the people, or the oppression of the ruling party forced the team is forced to enroll - just before the country was ruled by religious leaders-ruled society. When that religion has taken over the rule of the land occupied by the crowds of people then left the shelter of the religion. Today, one year from the 800/900 undivided India, Islam, or Christianity was not the sign. Just as 100 years ago, on the kangresa C-P-M, B-J-P, there was no sign of any political party grassroots. If necessary, the creation of this group or religion, and all these people, and buddhijata manojata. Today, the traditional Hindu religion around the world have been developed over many millions institution. Temple matha monastery has been built, but how much is all to protect the ancient Vedas and traditional religion. Unfortunately, today sabaya own survival to fight the lies is weakening. We look to see where the Vedas were the gods of the muni-rsi also thousands of organizations around the world to develop themselves, but sabaya one of the traditional religion of the Vedas and to retain only establish the truth. They were all satyadrasta Rishi Muni. They all knew the truth all the good you can accomplish. Without the truth lies in human society, then people will go with camra will be blasphemous. So now the duty of all of us sitting in the lap of science-own traditional form of action to establish the truth or protect religion - people around the world, or traditional wing bedapanthi truth to light. The company has built over the traditional religion that united them ekasutre gethe taken by bedayajnera. Bedayajnera win win.