Veda sacrifice sammelanah ---2 5/09/016 W Location- ghorasala * * bah, Murshidabad
Today's question bisayah --- [to obey the orders of the Vedas, Veda will sacrifice the beloved object, and the object is to achieve absolute pleasure.]
Om Veda Antarjagatake dhbanira will sacrifice to rule by. Who are the three words om bhabamaya world exists. Non world is colorful. U Who caitanyamaya world and the first-half, or anantamaya world. OM World Carrera antarjagatake three orders of knowing that the outside world should be free from anger, greed Moha rupamaya Kamana Basana obey. Om Veda adesa sounds of words denoting. Om Veda yajnakale priest had commanded. On all of our operations around the world, great adesarupe nityakala Om ringing. The world beyond the world in absolute truth, all the truth, is Om. He is in our hearts all the joy that is present in the form of sublimation. '' We are honest with karmasansare paramadesa action. Their bright diptitei world. He is the beloved son of the Supreme Soul inner riches are favorites. Om everyone's favorite object, the absolute truth, is the object of absolute delight. Veda truth, the truth will not leave, do not leave the religion of the Vedas, Vedic welfare will not leave, do not take away from the greatness of the Vedas themselves. That parabrahmera Om Veda or instruction. Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Ram. Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram.