Veda sacrifice sammelanah 03/05/016 [of the Vedas or sacrifice, we all pledge our determination to defend the ideology of niti will establish justice everywhere.]
Veda sacrifice their lives through the eyes and ears of our words as well as the sense of sasaktika still true Brahman should be developed. Sometimes we do not abandon the truth of Brahman, the Absolute does not abandon us to the truth. Let us all take the form of the sacred task of sacrifice Vedas and Upanishads Vedas, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana be illuminated with the light of our life. Holy talks brahma our father Vishnu - Maheshwar, adyasakti mahamaya mahakali mahalaksmi mahasarasbati, Rudra eleventh, twelfth of the finely tuned physical debasaktike including Aditya lives in me and in my heart, the seat of the Vedas yajnakale thakenatai determined to sacrifice the Vedas as kale maker Mora will not come adarsacyuta
Mora would not be afraid to speak the truth at any time.
Why did he have to die with fear Moder
Why stay silent as the dead from the living.
Mora man will live to see all of the people
Moder leave this earth celebrity.
[Put your own image.]
There is no quality there is no form of price
Worshiper at all on the quality of the world.
To the quality of those who bow
They are knowledgeable in the world family.
There are a waste of time to argue in vain
Sir wise to understand the value of work.
Sabaya have time to do knowledge
Anyare sabaya himself as well as good.
Veda sacrifice win win. The Vedas are God win win. Win win bisbamanaba education.