Veda sacrifice sammelanah -04 / 05/016 Subject: Today's question - [Veda sacrifice the ideals of the human mind and heart filled with Indian Build up as patriotic sons of India.] Bharatabhumi the debabhumi. None of these debabhumite long reign of anarchy could not continue. The terrible defeat of the ages has come. This bharatabhumite godlike kings forever hold jnanamarge people think their own children with the spiritual system has to handle. All of this was God's representative godlike kings. They knew that the human mind is the cause of bondage and moksha. So they continue to study on the mind of the people, to make them open mind. Worldly-minded people bound in mind that the crime was not being used for their keen vision. Indian kings in his mind and heart, such as running on the subjects of the kingdom of mind and heart of their family on the run. Cittai the human family. Praja the heart of all endeavor to continue with the efforts to clarify sadaya enriches himself through the sacrifice of the Vedas contain. This traditional muni guhyatattba the sages gave the king. A new strategy for the teaching of all subjects, including the official one used for eternal peace in the world. So no one would have trouble burning ashes of the king's protection of religion to the people. No one in the world could not clever instinct to seek refuge in religion to the world. So to say ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- is not great at any time by clever.
So great is the leader ..
Minister by the King is clever.
Steal the wealth of the country, on the pretext of building ..
Dividends may fool the public voter.
Today you can get the knowledge of factionalism up ..
When the leaders of the visor up and factionalism.
Subjects that will be revealed in front of the open ..
They will be in the guise of tenants.
Sita was Ravana kidnapper disguised as monks ..
Win win global human education. Veda sacrifice win win. Jai Bharat Mata win.